Pricing Optimization

Pricing Execution for Revenue Acceleration

Pricing optimization represents one of the most effective levers for revenue growth. Too many companies don’t recognize the pricing opportunities before them or simply underestimate their pricing power, leaving significant revenue on the table year after year. Other companies already know what pricing changes they want to make, but have no idea how to go about implementing the change.

With experience leading dozens of pricing events across multiple software and services companies, LevelUp has the subject matter expertise to plan and guide your pricing implementation, helping make your pricing optimization strategy a reality. Successful rollout of a price change requires careful consideration and planning across all aspects of your business, resources to develop the necessary communications and tools, and resources focused on project managing it to completion.

When partnering with LevelUp for this, you’ll benefit from our deep experience managing pricing events, including how to:

  • Approach informing your customers and employees about the new pricing

  • Ensure all relevant internal resources are trained on the new pricing

  • Ensure your customer service teams are prepared to answer questions from customers and deal with or escalate angry customers

  • Ensure your internal systems are updated to support the new pricing

  • Prepare for potential pricing concessions

  • Ensure there are no legal barriers to the price change

Download our checklist:

10 Best Practices for a Successful Pricing Implementation

Example Engagement

LevelUp can support your pricing optimization event through a variety of specific services, depending on where you need guidance or lack internal resources to carry the ball. An engagement could include one, more, or all of the following services:

  • Pricing Strategy & Plan - Advise on pricing strategy and plan, working either directly with client or collaboratively with VC/PE firm or third-party pricing firm. This can include providing guidance on pricing structure, price points, client segmentation, concession planning, best practices re pricing rollout approach and plan, etc.

  • Discovery & Project Plan Development - Conduct discovery across all areas of business involved in or impacted by price change, including Finance/Accounting, Customer Support, Marketing, Sales, Product Management and Development, etc. Develop pricing rollout project plan in collaboration with internal stakeholders, including tasks, sub-tasks, owners, deadlines, dependencies, etc.

  • Pricing Rollout Management - Oversee ongoing execution of rollout plan, ensuring continuous progress; issues identified, escalated, and addressed; and progress and critical issues communicated to executive team and (via CEO) the board; Provide ongoing expertise and guidance re pricing rollout best practices

  • Messaging & Deliverables Creation - Develop core messaging document, which all pricing communications will follow to ensure accurate and consistent internal and external messages. Develop pricing event communications and tools, such as internal and external pricing notifications, internal training materials, and support tools (e.g., FAQs, call scripts, etc.).

Debra’s expertise has been instrumental in leading the successful implementation of pricing optimization strategies across some of Greenridge’s key portfolio companies, driving high-impact revenue uplift for these investments.
— Ben Moss, Co-Founder and Partner, Greenridge Growth Partners

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